Letters from the Sabbat

Plant Folklore: Three Spring Herbs

With the warm months upon us once again, many of us have begun noticing the return of familiar plants around us. While we witches are quite fond of our mugwort and wormwood and nightshades (myself included), we sometimes overlook the plant allies that thrive all around us and are quite literally bursting forth to greet…

Announcing the Age of Witchery Playing Card Deck

Purchase the deck here. When I set out to create the Age of Witchery Tarot Deck, I of course knew that there would also be a playing card iteration of this project. Playing cards are, for many, a more earthy, flexible tool for divination. Playing cards offer simple patterns of suit and number and dual…

Faces in the Deep: Four Ways of Reading Tarot Court Cards

Let’s just say it, shall we? Cartomancers disagree on how to read the court cards. Attend a tarot workshop with one reader, and you’ll be trained in one method. Read a book by another, and you’ll encounter a completely different system for understanding these characters. I’d like to unpack a few different approaches here in…

To Abate the Bitter Cold

The latter half of winter is a time of weariness, isn’t it? The Yuletide season is over, and without its glimmering lights and spirit of warmth, the darkness and cold stare back at us with their hollow gaze. We’re full of ache and sleep, not quite ready for the return of summer, but also tired…


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About R.J.

Writer. Folk witch. Modern animist.


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